08/3/2017 - CrossFit Good Life
770-731-0296 mashchalkup@gmail.com


CFGoodLife – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

20 leg kicks each side

20 lunges

20 air squats

20 kipping swings

2 mins of hip opener on the wall

2 minutes banded shoulder stretching

1 min ankle opener with barbell

10 clean and press

20 in and outs in front rack position

Deadlift, Squat Clean, Jerk

In 20 minutes build to a heavy complex of 1 DL, 1 Clean and 1 Jerk WITHOUT releasing the bar.

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM for 10 minutes

5 Deadlifts

5 Squat Cleans

5 Shoulder to Overhead


Once you can’t complete the 15 reps in 1 minute take the rep scheme down to 4/4/4, once you can’t compete the 12 reps in 1 minute take it down to 3/3/3, then 2/2/2 and 1/1/1.

Score is total reps completed