1/03/2018 - CrossFit Good Life
770-731-0296 mashchalkup@gmail.com


CFGoodLife – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rds

2 Min Row/Bike

10 Mtn. Climbers

10 Air Squats

then…. as a class…..

2 Rds

1 round PVC/1 Round Barbell

3-5 Hang RDLs (start in power pos. Go to knee, back up)

3-5 Hang clean shrugs

3-5 Hang clean high pulls

3-5 Hang muscle clean

3-5 Hang clean (full depth)

Shoulder Press (3 X 5 @ 75%)

Rest 2 Min Between Sets

Metcon (No Measure)


21 Squat Clean (115/75)

21 Burpees Over the Bar

21 Shoulder To Overhead

21 Burpees Over the Bar


14 Squat Clean (135/95)

14 Burpees Over the Bar

14 Shoulder to Overhead

14 Burpees Over the Bar


7 Squat Clean (155/105)

7 Burpees Over the Bar

7 Shoulder to Overhead

7 Burpees Over the Bar


135/165/185 Men

95/105/125 Women