11/21/2017 - CrossFit Good Life
770-731-0296 mashchalkup@gmail.com


CFGoodLife – CrossFit

Shoulder Warm Up- gymnastics (No Measure)

1 min alternating cat/cow

1 min active child’s pose

1 min hollow rock/superman

10 kipping swings

10 hanging knee raises

5 strict pull ups

5 kipping pull ups

5 dips

Warm-up (No Measure)

Handstand walk practice

3 rounds rounds the length of the rig.

-scale is shoulder taps, hand shifting , handstand hold or plate hold. Taps/shifts for 10 reps, holds for 30 secs.

-if tapping or shifting face away from the wall

Metcon (Time)

4 rounds

50 dubs (3:1)

5 C2B (scale is banded strict C2B)

10 min time cap

Metcon (Time)


Row for cals

Toes to bar (2:1 hanging knee raises)

10 min time cap

Metcon (Time)

25 med ball sit ups 20/14

1 ring muscle ups (scale is 1 pull up, 2 dips per muscle up)

20 med ball sit ups

2 ring muscle ups

15 med ball sit ups

3 ring muscle ups

10 med ball sit ups

4 ring muscle ups

5 med ball sit ups

5 ring muscle ups

10 min time cap

RX+ option is GHD for medball sit ups