6/28/2017 - CrossFit Good Life
770-731-0296 mashchalkup@gmail.com


CFGoodLife – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

300 meter run

15 air squats

15 kipping swings

10 ring rows (pull ups if performing muscle ups)

1 minute couch stretch each side

30 sec banded tricep stretch

1 minute cobra stretch

10 push ups

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM for 12 minutes

9 ghd sit ups

6 alernating pistols

3 ring muscle ups

Scaled option-

9 med ball sit ups

6 pistol progressions on box

3 box dips
For those in need of sqaut therapy 6 wall facing squats instead of pistol progression.

Metcon (Time)

1000 meter row

50 burpees