10/17/2017 - CrossFit Good Life
770-731-0296 mashchalkup@gmail.com


CFGoodLife – CrossFit

Snatch Warm Up (No Measure)

15 Air Squats (Hold the last 3 at the Bottom)

Banded Adductor and Glute Stretch

Pigeon Pose

10 Wall Taps (down and up equals 1)

The Burgener Warm-Up

1. Down and Up

2. Elbows High and Outside

3. Muscle Snatch (Upright torso, no bend in the legs)

4. Snatch Land 2in,4in,6 in (6 inches should be at parallel)

5. Snatch Drop (also know as snatch balance, no dip)

6. Hang Snatch

*Complete first round with PVC, then second round with BB

*perform each movement 3 times per round

Snatch (1 rep max in 25 mins )

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

12 min amrap

10 snatches 35/75

20 box jumps

8 snatches 55/95

16 box jumps

6 snatches 65/115

12 box jumps

4 snatches 75/135

8 box jumps

2 snatches 85/145

4 box jumps

If you finish the 4 box jumps continue to the end of the 12 minutes with max snatches at final weight

*may be power or squat snatch*