10/3/2017 - CrossFit Good Life
770-731-0296 mashchalkup@gmail.com


CFGoodLife – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

Length of rig

High knees

Butt kickers

Side to side lunge

Warrior lunge steps

Inchworm with push-up

30 sec calf stretch each side

30 sec pec stretch each side

30 sec lat stretch each side

With a barbell

10 deadlifts

10 hang power cleans

10 front squats

10 back rack good mornings

Unmarked Grave (AMRAP – Reps)

In teams of 2, one partner working at a time

13 min AMRAP

200 double unders (2:1 singles)

100 wall balls 20/14

50 bar facing burpees

25 power cleans 155/105 (105/85)

Max ring dips (box dips)