December 2017 - Page 2 of 5 - CrossFit Good Life


CFGoodLife – CrossFit Warm-up (No Measure) 50 jumping jacks 20 air squats 10 kipping swings 20 barbell good mornings 10 strict pull ups or challenging ring rows 20 barbell good mornings 10 kipping swings 20 air squats 50 jumping jacks Calf stretch Lat stretch Forearm stretch Deadlift (10-5-5) Working at 70% of your 1 rep max, unbroken on each set, 3 mins rest between sets Metcon (Time) 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift 295/205 Burpee Chest to Bar RX+ Ring muscle...


CFGoodLife – CrossFit Luke warm up (No Measure) Clean/Snatch/C&J 1 round PVC/1 Round Barbell Ankle Mobility 5-10sec each ankle 3-5 Clean/Snatch Grip Hang RDLs (start in power pos. Go to knee, back up) 3-5 Hang Snatch/clean shrugs 3-5 Hang snatch/clean high pulls 3-5 Hang snatch/clean muscle clean/snatch 3-5 Hang snatch/clean (full depth) -IF CLEAN AND JERK- Add 3-5 Strict Press 3-5 Push Press 3-5 Push Jerk 2-4 Split Jerk (switch lead legs Power Clean and Push Jerk (1 rep max ) Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) EMOM for 15 mins 1-cal row m-12, w-10 2-15 ab mat sit ups 3- 10 db (35/20) step ups 24/20 RX+ sub GHD for sit ups and pistols for step...


CFGoodLife – CrossFit Metcon (Time) 12 days of Christmas 1- C&J 135/95 2- HSPU or seated DB press 3- power cleans 135/95 4- front squats 135/95 5- deadlifts 135-95 6- pull ups 7- burpees 8- toes to bar 9- push ups 10- box jumps 24/20 11- goblet squats 53/35 12- kettle bell swings...


CFGoodLife – CrossFit Deadlift (15-10-5 ) perform 15 unbroken reps at 60%, rest 3 mins then perform 10 reps, rest 2 mins then peform 5 reps Metcon (No Measure) tabata hollow hold superman v-ups handstand...


CFGoodLife – CrossFit Chuck Warm-up (No Measure) 300 meter run 50 doubles 40 sit ups 30 air squats 20 banded good mornings 10 med ball cleans Metcon (Time) 1000 meter row 90 double unders (3:1) 80 reverse lunges 95/65 70 russian twists 20/14 60 wall balls 20/14 50 box jumps 40 sit ups 30 ring dips (box dips to scale) 20 med ball cleans 20/14 10 bent over rows 95/65 *only one med ball and barbell per...